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Loosening Apron Ties

Don't ask me how I am. I will tell you that I am fine. But, we all know that word: "fine" is a kinder way of saying, do you have five minutes or five hours? So, let me spare you. Sunglasses help me hide my weepy moments these days as I reconcile my ever-changing role as a mother(including the one I had recently driving across town, listening to some sad song on the radio). This year has been a whirlwind. There is really no other way to describe the flurries of growth and the shifts within our family dynamics as the children become more independent. This fall, we have one child with roughly two semesters left before becoming a nurse, one learning to navigate the OSU metropolis leaving our household with LESS laundry but sadly a little less pizazz, a sophomore who towers over me and will soon be learning to drive, and one sweet twelve-year-old girl, saying farewell to doll clothes and Barbies in exchange for lip gloss and Mom jeans. Sheesh. One of the greatest privileges of...

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