Part of Me
There is something about a hollowed stem
wilted and brittle, that reminds me of dry bones
that reminds me that I always thirst
I move and sway to the rhythms around me,
always wanting
It reminds me
How seasons come and go
I take their lead, always tearing down,
then building back up
Even when I come to the end, there is another beginning
death rattles can become songs
Crops that we lay to rest will feed us all winter
The seed that falls to the ground
spawns a harvest
As I go indoors, hiding beneath months of darkness
There is something about death that reminds me of life
There is part of me buried and gone, and part of me
that has a vein good for water, that will keep me alive,
has breath and beats feverishly even after I am
sapped of all energy, weary and emptied out
The cold bitter winds blow back and forth
over the earth
Rains will pour and tamp it down
Yet it is resilient
Something is always forming, stirring
even in the quiet, fallow months
Even wasteland is good for something
These are the mysteries of God
Those who mourn will be comforted
The meek will inherit the earth
barren will bear life
upside down, inside out
Hope in the unexpected
No place is too far
No hell is too deep
No spirit too broken
Awaken me from sleepy dreams, into
the way you are cultivating the earth
Shift my vision to the ground
where you reach into something
that seems like nothing
and place a tiny seed inside
Let old visions die and be torn down
Let new visions soar into view
Breathe life back into these weary limbs
come thou fount
come thou fount
come thou fount, I am yours
note: I am always in awe of how nature points to God. I shouldn't be.
After all, he created it. God can be found and seen working, in the
midst of darkness, in the midst of disorder. We just have to zoom out
and span the larger picture on the canvas to see what he is doing. He is
order. He is redemption. He is healing, and he is life. May we not forget.
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